What we can help with

You are not alone

If you are feeling stressed, anxious, are experiencing ongoing low mood, or are having difficulty sleeping, the NHS can help. TALKWORKS is a free and confidential NHS Talking Therapies service, here to help adults over the age of 18 across Devon (outside Plymouth), improve their mental and physical wellbeing. Our NHS therapists will work with you, by providing a variety of tools and techniques, to help get you back on track, so that you can feel like yourself once again.

Self refer to TALKWORKS

Treatment and support includes:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), available as one-to-one sessions with a therapist (face-to-face, over the phone or by video call)
  • Supported, online self-help programmes (accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
  • Wellbeing workshops and courses
  • Counselling for Depression
  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
  • Prolonged Grief Disorder Therapy (PGDT)
  • Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
  • A dedicated Talking Health team, experienced in supporting adults with a long term health condition
  • Specific treatment options for new and expectant parents
  • Access to employment support for any employment related difficulties (this may include help with returning to work after a period of absence, reasonable adjustments within the workplace and/or support with work based meetings after having time off unwell)
  • Tailored treatment and support for those impacted by the menopause

How can I get help?

You do not need a referral from a GP to access TALKWORKS’ services, you can refer yourself online or over the phone. Waiting times for appointments are short, with therapy sessions available Monday to Friday (early morning and evening appointments are available to book). For more information on the different treatment options and therapy services, please visit the TALKWORKS website or call 0300 555 3344.

Self-refer to TALKWORKS

Your experience with us

Your feedback matters

“I was apprehensive about using the service thinking I wasn't "bad" enough but a talk to the cardiac group by a TALKWORKS practitioner gave me confidence to self-refer. I was referred with respect and taken seriously throughout, felt safe and was given tools and advice to help myself take control of my situation.”

“I could not fault the service I received. I was listened to and given so many different resources to help my anxiety and depression. I was so very low a year ago but with the amazing support from my therapist I feel more and more myself every day. Thank you TALKWORKS.”

“The therapy gently supported me to both understand and come to terms with my diagnosis and how it has impacted on me as a person for so many years. I felt I could be open and honest in a very safe space. I not only feel better, I understand myself better too.”