Mental Health SELF-Help
Self-help guides
Self-help guides on a range of topics including low mood, anxiety, stress, panic and sleep problems.
LIving with a health condition
Resources and self-help from the Imparts website, for people living with a long-term health condition who our Talking Health Team support. Imparts (integrating mental and physical healthcare: research, training and services) is part of King’s Health Partners whose materials are free to download and use.
Living Life To The Full
The living life to the full course is a life skills course that aims to provide access to high quality, practical and user-friendly training in life skills. The course teaches you how to tackle and respond to issues/demands which we all meet in our everyday lives.
NHS website
The mental health page on the NHS website provides access to a wide range of information and support for your mental health.
Mood Juice
Some information is only specific to Scotland, but there is useful self-help literature on a variety of issues on the NHS Inform website, including anger, anxiety, assertiveness, bereavement, depression, insomnia, obsessions and compulsions, panic, post-traumatic stress, shyness and social phobias.
Overcoming Depression, Paul Gilbert, Robinson Publishing ISBN 9781841191256
A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques, this book is full of step-by-step suggestions, case examples and practical ideas for gaining control over depression and low mood.
Overcoming Anxiety, Helen Kennerley, Robinson Publishing ISBN 9781854874221
A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques to help people take charge of their own recovery. This book describes the various forms that anxiety problems may take and contains illustrative quotes from people who have had anxiety problems; allowing readers to realise that many others have shared similar experiences and overcome their difficulties.
Urgent mental health support
TALKWORKS is not an urgent or crisis response service. If you need urgent support please visit our I need help now page.