I need help now

Urgent Mental Health Support

TALKWORKS is not an emergency or crisis mental health service.The graphic reads: Are you in a mental health crisis? Call 111 select mental health option

Other organisations who can help

Mental Health Matters Devon provides a 24 hour, 365 days a year mental health helpline by calling 0800 4700317.

Samaritans are available 24/7. They offer a supportive conversation around a whole range of mental health issues and also offer a call back service and follow up calls. You can contact them at any time if you are in need of support.

Staying Safe - This site provides vital 'safety plan' tools and guidance to help people cope with emotional distress. It also offers ways to help keep people safer from thoughts of harm and suicide, seek support and discover hope of recovery through powerful videos from people with personal experience.

For further support information, please visit Devon Partnership NHS Trust website. You are not alone.